Old Kampala Alumni Scholarship Fund.

Brothers who set up polio charity hailed by Prime Minister David Cameron


Our Trustees.
Mayoor and Arun Patel were recognised in the Points of Light by British Prime Minister David Cameroon.
In an article on The Bolton News titled
Brothers who set up polio charity hailed by Prime Minister David Cameron
The article reported
"Mayoor Patel and his older brother Arun Patel have been given a Point of Light award to recognise their work with the Polio Children charity."

Mayoor explained how he heard the news, when was interviewed on Bolton FM radio


"Just before the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi came here before New Year’s day in November,
I remember being at a meeting on the Hindu New Year day.

I saw a message from the cabinet office on my phone and I thought oh dear what do they want.
Because they had already conducted a one hour interview with me back in May before the elections and I thought it was all over and done with.

But then I saw a message from my brother and I thought I better get back to him.
His message said.
Can you please check the email I have checked it all out and it’s legit and they need to speak with you.

So I rang the cabinet office and they said oh thank you very much for getting back to us Mr Patel,
We want to announce this tomorrow.
What do you want to announce?

We want to announce points of light award."

Brothers who set up polio charity hailed by Prime Minister David Cameron

​"Mayoor Patel and his older brother Arun Patel have been given a Point of Light award to recognise their work with the Polio Children charity."

Mayoor explained how he heard the news, when was interviewed on Bolton FM radio
"Just before the Prime Minister of India came here before New Year’s day in November,
I remember being at a meeting on the Hindu New Year day.
I saw a message from the cabinet office on my phone and I thought oh dear what do they want.
Because they had already conducted a one hour interview with me back in May before the elections and I thought it was all over and done with.
But then I saw a message from my brother and I thought I better get back to him.
His message said.
Can you please check the email I have checked it all out and it’s legit and they need to speak with you.
So I rang the cabinet office and they said oh thank you very much for getting back to us Mr Patel,
We want to announce this tomorrow.
What do you want to announce?
We want to announce points of light award."


About the Author Ken Waiganjo
